
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Birthmarks of a Born Again Believer

Have you read 1 John lately?
Why is God's word (the Bible) so very clear regarding who does and
does not belong to Him?

Could it be that God wants us to know so that we will not be fooled by
those whose intentions are evil or maybe those whose teachings are

Aren't we obligated to warn others of false teaching when we hear it,
for the good of others?

So often when it is brought to the attention of a believer that what
they have said is false according to the Bible, they will get
offended, even angry and say something like, "who are you to judge me"
or "the Bible says you shouldn't judge". Aren't we suppose to show our
brothers in the faith that they may have a false understanding of
scripture in order to lead them in the direction of truth?

Are we so full of pride that we cannot even consider that we could
have possibly been wrong about something, or even thank the one who
cared enough about us to point out an error in our understanding so we
could be made whole?

If we are to say that scripture is true then we must accept rebuke
from another believer or at the very least accept the possibility that
we could be wrong and earnestly seek the truth of scripture. Prov.