The evidence that you believe in Jesus is that you are still believing in Him today and you are believing more than before.
The evidence that you have been truly saved by grace is that you keep walking and following Jesus and He continues changing you day by day.
The evidence that you are a Christian is that Jesus has done something in your life, and THAT something that He has done is the thing that motivates you to follow Him, and you want to be like Him and you continue on and on daily following Him.
Do not think that just because you were raised in a Christian home that you are a Christian, it is by grace you are saved, through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Do not think that just because you read your Bible that you are a Christian.
Do not think that only because you believe in God that you are a Christian, even the demons believe (James 2:19).
The greatest desire of your heart is to be totally devoted to Jesus Christ, to honor and please Him and Him alone, continually putting away the desires of yourself, abstaining from the things that bring disgrace to His glorious name.
Are these things evident in your life? If not there is still hope.
Think about your sin and your disobedience.
Think about the Savior and that He died to save you from the wrath of God that you deserve. Agree with Him that you are a sinner and that you have been living for yourself.
Apologize to God for your disobedience and repent (turn away) from your sin once and for all and put your trust in the Savior Jesus Christ to save you and give you a new heart with new desires that honor Him.
Its called being born-again. Jesus said in John 3:3 "Unless a man is born-again he cannot see the kingdom of Heaven."
He WILL save you if you trust in Him and not your own goodness. Your goodness can never be good enough. The Bible says that our righteousness/goodness is like filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). His goodness must be placed upon us, His goodness must be credited to our account.
Apart from Christ, not even the most kind, compassionate, loving and caring little old lady has any hope whatsoever of an eternity in heaven.
Plead with Him today to save you and He will hear; trust in Him and He will give you everlasting life; then read His word and follow His will all the days of your life, not in order to be good but because He is good.