Thursday, December 25, 2014
'Nevers' of the Gospel
May I never confine my religion to extraordinary occasions, but acknowledge thee in all my ways. - The Valley of Vision
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Nuggets of Wisdom
'It is foolish to build our theology around circumstances.'
"If we only look at experience, we can get a very twisted view of God's character and God's justice and God's dealings because we live in a fallen cursed world." - DTP
Thursday, November 13, 2014
'Chance' or 'blind fate'
(Samuel Davies, "Divine Government--the Joy of Our World")
"The LORD reigns! Let the earth be glad!" Psalm 97:1
We are exposed to numberless accidental and unforeseen dangers, which we can neither prevent nor counter. Sickness and death may proceed from a thousand unsuspected causes. Our friends, our estates, and, in short, all our earthly enjoyments--may be torn from us by a variety of accidents. We walk, as it were, in the dark, and may tread on remediless dangers before we are aware.
"But the LORD reigns! Let the earth be glad!" All contingent events are at His disposal and under His sovereign control. The smallest things are not beneath the notice of His providence, and the greatestare not above it! Those diseases and misfortunes which seem to happen 'by chance'--are commissioned by the Lord of all! And those which result evidently from 'natural causes'--are sent by His almighty will. He says to one, "Go!" and it goes; and to another, "Come!" and it comes!
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Live as in the sight of God
This nugget of wisdom, written 150 years ago, is as valuable today as the day it was composed.
Live as in the sight of God. This is what Abraham did; he walked before Him. This is what Enoch did; he walked with Him. This is what heaven itself will be, the eternal presence of God. Do nothing that you would not like God to see. Say nothing that you would not like God to hear. Write nothing that you would not like God to read. Go to no place where you would not like God to find you. Read no book of which you would not like God to say, "Show it to Me." Never spend your time in such a way that you would not like to have God say, "What art thou doing?" - JC Ryle
Live as in the sight of God. This is what Abraham did; he walked before Him. This is what Enoch did; he walked with Him. This is what heaven itself will be, the eternal presence of God. Do nothing that you would not like God to see. Say nothing that you would not like God to hear. Write nothing that you would not like God to read. Go to no place where you would not like God to find you. Read no book of which you would not like God to say, "Show it to Me." Never spend your time in such a way that you would not like to have God say, "What art thou doing?" - JC Ryle
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Make the Bible Your Guide and Adviser
Give the Bible the honor due to it every day you live. Whatever you read, read that first. And beware of bad books: there are plenty in this day. Take heed what you read. I suspect there is more harm done to souls in this way than most people have an idea is possible. Value all books in proportion as they are agreeable to Scripture. Those that are nearest to it are the best, and those that are farthest from it and most contrary to it, the worst. - JC Ryle
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
How shall I govern my children
(John Abbott, "The Mother's Authority")
"Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right." Ephesians 6:1
How shall I govern my children, so as to secure their virtue and happiness?
OBEDIENCE is absolutely essential to proper family government. Without this, all other efforts will be in vain. You may pray with, and for your children; you may strive to instruct them in Christian truth; you may be unwearied in your efforts to make them happy, and to gain their affection. But if they are in habits of disobedience, your instructions will be lost, and your toil in vain! And by obedience, I do not mean languid and dilatory yielding to repeated threats--but prompt and cheerful acquiescence to parental commands. Neither is it enough that a child should yield to your arguments and persuasions. It is essential that he should submit to your authority.
The first thing therefore to be aimed at, is to bring your child under total subjection. Teach him that he must obey you.
Never give a command that you do not intend to be obeyed! There is no more effectual way of teaching a child disobedience, than by giving commands that you have no intention of enforcing. A child is thus habituated to disregard its mother; and, in a short time, the habit becomes so strong and the child's contempt for the mother so confirmed, that entreaties and threats are alike unheeded. Accustom him to immediate and cheerful acquiescence to your will. This is obedience. And this is absolutely essential to good family government. Let it be an immutable principle in family government, that your word is law!
"The rod of correction imparts wisdom, but a child left to himself disgraces his mother." Proverbs 29:15
"Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right." Ephesians 6:1
How shall I govern my children, so as to secure their virtue and happiness?
OBEDIENCE is absolutely essential to proper family government. Without this, all other efforts will be in vain. You may pray with, and for your children; you may strive to instruct them in Christian truth; you may be unwearied in your efforts to make them happy, and to gain their affection. But if they are in habits of disobedience, your instructions will be lost, and your toil in vain! And by obedience, I do not mean languid and dilatory yielding to repeated threats--but prompt and cheerful acquiescence to parental commands. Neither is it enough that a child should yield to your arguments and persuasions. It is essential that he should submit to your authority.
The first thing therefore to be aimed at, is to bring your child under total subjection. Teach him that he must obey you.
Never give a command that you do not intend to be obeyed! There is no more effectual way of teaching a child disobedience, than by giving commands that you have no intention of enforcing. A child is thus habituated to disregard its mother; and, in a short time, the habit becomes so strong and the child's contempt for the mother so confirmed, that entreaties and threats are alike unheeded. Accustom him to immediate and cheerful acquiescence to your will. This is obedience. And this is absolutely essential to good family government. Let it be an immutable principle in family government, that your word is law!
"The rod of correction imparts wisdom, but a child left to himself disgraces his mother." Proverbs 29:15
Monday, September 29, 2014
Deceitful and desperately wicked!
(William S. Plumer, "Sinners Saved by Unmerited Kindness")
"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?" Jeremiah 17:9
Man is the only creature on earth that practices self-deception. That we should sometimes deceive others is proof of our depravity; but that we should spend our lives in self-deception is truly astonishing! Men of the fewest virtues commonly have the highest thoughts of themselves. How strange and yet how common that he, whose heart has deceived him a thousand times, should yet confide in it as if it had always been honest!
The human heart deceives every being but one--and it would deceive Him, if He were not omniscient. None but God knows all the depths of iniquity and duplicity within us.
Though the language of the Bible is strong, it is just. God declares, and every Christian knows by sad experience--that his heart is deceitful above all things. A perfect knowledge of the treachery of our hearts is possessed by none but God.
The heart is also VILE. It is "desperately wicked."
It loves vanity, and folly, and sin.
It hates holiness, and truth, and divine restraints.
The heart is . . .
a sink of iniquity,
a pool of pestilential waters,
a cage of unclean birds,
a sepulcher full of dead men's bones.
It is torn by wild, fierce, unhallowed passions.
It rejects good and chooses evil.
It is wholly corrupt.
It is full of evil.
There is no soundness in it.
"For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all other sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander! These are the things which defile the man." Matthew 15:19, 20
"He who trusts in his own heart is a fool!" Proverbs 28:26
"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?" Jeremiah 17:9
Man is the only creature on earth that practices self-deception. That we should sometimes deceive others is proof of our depravity; but that we should spend our lives in self-deception is truly astonishing! Men of the fewest virtues commonly have the highest thoughts of themselves. How strange and yet how common that he, whose heart has deceived him a thousand times, should yet confide in it as if it had always been honest!
The human heart deceives every being but one--and it would deceive Him, if He were not omniscient. None but God knows all the depths of iniquity and duplicity within us.
Though the language of the Bible is strong, it is just. God declares, and every Christian knows by sad experience--that his heart is deceitful above all things. A perfect knowledge of the treachery of our hearts is possessed by none but God.
The heart is also VILE. It is "desperately wicked."
It loves vanity, and folly, and sin.
It hates holiness, and truth, and divine restraints.
The heart is . . .
a sink of iniquity,
a pool of pestilential waters,
a cage of unclean birds,
a sepulcher full of dead men's bones.
It is torn by wild, fierce, unhallowed passions.
It rejects good and chooses evil.
It is wholly corrupt.
It is full of evil.
There is no soundness in it.
"For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all other sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander! These are the things which defile the man." Matthew 15:19, 20
"He who trusts in his own heart is a fool!" Proverbs 28:26
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Help for the hurting soul
The following article I ran across contains a very helpful understanding regarding the differences of secular psychology and Christian counseling.
Insufficient Help, Part 1. Tuesday, September 09, 2014
Insufficient Help, Part 1. Tuesday, September 09, 2014
Thursday, July 24, 2014
We don't accept Christ, He accepts Us
You cannot decide to be a Christian, you can only decide to repent and trust in Christ, then God will save you and make you born-again. We don't accept Christ, He accepts us; and even that desire is a gift from God.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Beware of little sins!
(Thomas Brooks)
"Avoid every kind of evil." 1 Thessalonians 5:22
Little sins multiplied, become great. There is nothing less than a grain of sand--yet there is nothing heavier than the sand of the sea when multiplied.
Little sins are very dangerous!
A little leaven, leavens the whole lump.
A little knife, may kill.
A little leak in a ship, may sink it.
Though the scorpion is little--yet will it sting a lion to death! Just so, a little sin may at once bar the door of Heaven, and open the gates of Hell!
The least sin will damn us--if not pardoned by the death of Christ!
(Charles Spurgeon, "Flowers from a Puritan's Garden" 1883)
"Not only do great sins ruin the soul, but lesser sins will do the same. Dallying with temptation, leads to sad consequences."
A small dagger thrust into the heart, will give as deadly a wound as a huge two-handed sword. Just so, a little sin unrepented of, will be as fatal as living in gross transgressions.
Death can hide in a drop, and ride in a breath of air. Just so, our greatest dangers lie hidden in little things. The least sin may be a very Pandemonium in your heart. It may conceal a host of evils, and a numerous hive of mischiefs, each one storing great harm.
Believer, beware of little sins. Watch and pray, lest you fall by little by little.
Lord, save me from sins which call themselves little!
"Avoid every kind of evil." 1 Thessalonians 5:22
Little sins multiplied, become great. There is nothing less than a grain of sand--yet there is nothing heavier than the sand of the sea when multiplied.
Little sins are very dangerous!
A little leaven, leavens the whole lump.
A little knife, may kill.
A little leak in a ship, may sink it.
Though the scorpion is little--yet will it sting a lion to death! Just so, a little sin may at once bar the door of Heaven, and open the gates of Hell!
The least sin will damn us--if not pardoned by the death of Christ!
(Charles Spurgeon, "Flowers from a Puritan's Garden" 1883)
"Not only do great sins ruin the soul, but lesser sins will do the same. Dallying with temptation, leads to sad consequences."
A small dagger thrust into the heart, will give as deadly a wound as a huge two-handed sword. Just so, a little sin unrepented of, will be as fatal as living in gross transgressions.
Death can hide in a drop, and ride in a breath of air. Just so, our greatest dangers lie hidden in little things. The least sin may be a very Pandemonium in your heart. It may conceal a host of evils, and a numerous hive of mischiefs, each one storing great harm.
Believer, beware of little sins. Watch and pray, lest you fall by little by little.
Lord, save me from sins which call themselves little!
Thursday, May 29, 2014
The New Morality
In today's society so flooded with demands to embrace the homosexual lifestyle as one that can be pleasing to God, here is a free PDF book that addresses this issue from a biblical perspective.
In a world that seeks to redefine scripture, it is every Christian's duty to trust Christ and stand firm on the infallible Word of God.
This free PDF book is a response to Matthew Vines book "God and the Gay Christian."
"God and the Gay Christian? - A Response to Mathew Vines"
In a world that seeks to redefine scripture, it is every Christian's duty to trust Christ and stand firm on the infallible Word of God.
This free PDF book is a response to Matthew Vines book "God and the Gay Christian."
"God and the Gay Christian? - A Response to Mathew Vines"
Monday, May 5, 2014
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Fighting Against Sin
In the book titled "Respectable Sins" by Jerry Bridges, he speaks of 'The Remedy for Sin', to which we all would do good to remember.
He says, "Once we trust in Christ, so the thinking goes, the gospel doesn't apply to us anymore..... however, though we truly are saints in the sense of being separated unto God, all of us are still sinners."
He goes on to say, "Dealing with our sin is not an option. We are commanded to put sin to death. It is our duty to do so, but duty without desire soon produces drudgery. Preach the gospel to yourself every day. That is what we must do in order to daily, consciously appropriate the gospel."
The gospel message is what transforms our hearts and minds, it is only the gospel message that can put us in a right standing with God.
The most effective remedy for the sin in our lives is the gospel. So, if you are concerned about sin that remains in your life.
Preach the gospel to yourself every day.
He says, "Once we trust in Christ, so the thinking goes, the gospel doesn't apply to us anymore..... however, though we truly are saints in the sense of being separated unto God, all of us are still sinners."
He goes on to say, "Dealing with our sin is not an option. We are commanded to put sin to death. It is our duty to do so, but duty without desire soon produces drudgery. Preach the gospel to yourself every day. That is what we must do in order to daily, consciously appropriate the gospel."
The gospel message is what transforms our hearts and minds, it is only the gospel message that can put us in a right standing with God.
The most effective remedy for the sin in our lives is the gospel. So, if you are concerned about sin that remains in your life.
Preach the gospel to yourself every day.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Sound Biblical Truth Matters
Some say that biblical doctrine is not important, that it's not worth the disagreements and division it causes.
Those who do not hold the doctrines of scripture in high regard typically refer to those who do as close-minded, narrow-minded, judgmental, legalists, and fundamentalist.
In our culture today, if you have not been referred to with terms such as these, you likely do not stand on the firm foundation of God's word, and friendship with the world may hold a greater place in your heart than the Word of God.
Those who do not hold the doctrines of scripture in high regard typically refer to those who do as close-minded, narrow-minded, judgmental, legalists, and fundamentalist.
In our culture today, if you have not been referred to with terms such as these, you likely do not stand on the firm foundation of God's word, and friendship with the world may hold a greater place in your heart than the Word of God.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
My dearest idol must be thrown down!
(Alexander Smellie, "The Hour of Silence" 1899)
"They served idols, concerning which the LORD had said to them: You shall not do this thing!" 2 Kings 17:12
"Everyone of the house of Israel who sets up his idols in his heart!" Ezekiel 14:4
"Their heart went after their idols!" Ezekiel 20:16
There is much danger lest I should fall into the same sin of idolatry.
Idolatry is as prevalent today — as in ancient times.
It is as prevalent in Christendom — no less than in heathendom.
There are the idols of wood and stone. Lurking in my heart I find too strong a sympathy with the grosser forms of evil — untold possibilities of heinous sin are within me still. But these impure gods must go!
There are the idols of silver and gold. I pay an undue deference to fashion and wealth. I covet a high position and a place among the prominent ones of the earth. But these gods too must be dethroned!
There are the carved images. I may easily be beguiled by the enchanting toys and trinkets of the world. Contagion and poison haunt its literature, its arts, its amusements. At whatever cost, these deities must be cast out!
There are the molten images. Sudden fires of appetite, swift flames of temptation, leap up within me; and before I know, I may be overcome by them. These powers of darkness must be conquered in a heavenlier strength than my own!
There are the teraphim — the idols made in the likeness of men. I am in peril of exalting friends, wife, children, to the seat which Jesus Christ alone should occupy. My dearest idol must be thrown down, and Jesus must be Lord of all.
May Zinzendorf's motto be mine: "I have one passion, and it is Jesus, Jesus only!"
"The dearest idol I have known,
Whatever that idol be,
Help me to tear it from Thy throne,
And worship only Thee!"
"They served idols, concerning which the LORD had said to them: You shall not do this thing!" 2 Kings 17:12
"Everyone of the house of Israel who sets up his idols in his heart!" Ezekiel 14:4
"Their heart went after their idols!" Ezekiel 20:16
There is much danger lest I should fall into the same sin of idolatry.
Idolatry is as prevalent today — as in ancient times.
It is as prevalent in Christendom — no less than in heathendom.
There are the idols of wood and stone. Lurking in my heart I find too strong a sympathy with the grosser forms of evil — untold possibilities of heinous sin are within me still. But these impure gods must go!
There are the idols of silver and gold. I pay an undue deference to fashion and wealth. I covet a high position and a place among the prominent ones of the earth. But these gods too must be dethroned!
There are the carved images. I may easily be beguiled by the enchanting toys and trinkets of the world. Contagion and poison haunt its literature, its arts, its amusements. At whatever cost, these deities must be cast out!
There are the molten images. Sudden fires of appetite, swift flames of temptation, leap up within me; and before I know, I may be overcome by them. These powers of darkness must be conquered in a heavenlier strength than my own!
There are the teraphim — the idols made in the likeness of men. I am in peril of exalting friends, wife, children, to the seat which Jesus Christ alone should occupy. My dearest idol must be thrown down, and Jesus must be Lord of all.
May Zinzendorf's motto be mine: "I have one passion, and it is Jesus, Jesus only!"
"The dearest idol I have known,
Whatever that idol be,
Help me to tear it from Thy throne,
And worship only Thee!"
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
A proud sinner and a humble Savior
(William Gurnall, "The Christian in Complete Armor")
"I hate pride and arrogance!" Proverbs 8:13
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"The Lord detests all the proud of heart! Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished!" Proverbs 16:5
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A man may be very zealous and painstaking in preaching--and all the while pride is the master whom he serves, though in God's livery.
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It is hard starving this sin of pride--it can live on almost anything!
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Nothing is so sacred, but pride will profane it.
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So far as pride prevails, the proud man prays and preaches to be thought good by others--to enthrone himself, rather than Christ, in the opinion and hearts of his hearers.
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Pride loves to climb up, not as Zaccheus, to see Christ--but so that others may see himself!
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"God resists the proud" (James 4:6). The humble man may have Satan at his right hand to oppose him; but the proud man shall find God Himself there to resist him. We must either lay self aside--or God will lay us aside.
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A proud sinner and a humble Savior will never agree! Christ is humble and lowly, and so resists the proud--but gives grace to the humble.
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"If God," says Augustine, "did not spare the angels when they grew proud; will He spare you--who are but dust and sin?"
"I hate pride and arrogance!" Proverbs 8:13
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"The Lord detests all the proud of heart! Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished!" Proverbs 16:5
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A man may be very zealous and painstaking in preaching--and all the while pride is the master whom he serves, though in God's livery.
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It is hard starving this sin of pride--it can live on almost anything!
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Nothing is so sacred, but pride will profane it.
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So far as pride prevails, the proud man prays and preaches to be thought good by others--to enthrone himself, rather than Christ, in the opinion and hearts of his hearers.
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Pride loves to climb up, not as Zaccheus, to see Christ--but so that others may see himself!
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"God resists the proud" (James 4:6). The humble man may have Satan at his right hand to oppose him; but the proud man shall find God Himself there to resist him. We must either lay self aside--or God will lay us aside.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A proud sinner and a humble Savior will never agree! Christ is humble and lowly, and so resists the proud--but gives grace to the humble.
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"If God," says Augustine, "did not spare the angels when they grew proud; will He spare you--who are but dust and sin?"
Friday, January 31, 2014
True beauty is not of the face--but of the soul!
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain; but a woman who fears the LORD shall be praised!" Proverbs 31:30
Every girl is a lover of beauty.Beautiful homes, beautiful furnishings, beautiful flowers, beautiful clothes, beautiful faces--anything wherein beauty is found, there will be found girls to admire it. From the time her little hands can reach up, and her baby lips can lisp the words, she is admiring "pretty things." And when a little of that beauty is her own--her pleasure is unbounded.
Every girl longs to be beautiful.There is in woman a nature, as deep as humanity, which compels her to strive for good looks. There is no more forlorn sorrow for a young girl, than for her to be convinced that she is hopelessly ugly and undesirable. Oh, the bitter tears that have been shed over freckles, or arough and pimply skin--and the energy that has been expended in painting and powdering andwaving and curling herself into beauty!
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