
Thursday, December 23, 2010

If Living Like Christ Were Mandatory…

If living like Christ were mandatory for all, would there be so many starving children or families?

If living like Christ were mandatory for all, could hate survive?

If living like Christ were mandatory for all, would selfishness be so common?

If living like Christ were mandatory for all, would our government officials remain so divided?

If living like Christ were mandatory for all, would the bars, clubs and liquor stores be able to stay in business?

If living like Christ were mandatory for all, would abortion still be an option?

If living like Christ were mandatory for all, would same sex marriage even exist?

If living like Christ were mandatory for all, would there be a need for earthly presidents, kings or rulers?

If living like Christ were mandatory for all, would a democracy even be necessary?

If living like Christ were mandatory for all, would the words "common-good" mean anything at all?

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