
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Can we be pleasing to The Lord?

Do you remember back in September 2010, the Florida pastor who planned to burn the Quran?
I would have to agree with many who say that burning the Quran publicly doesn't appear to be a good idea according to the current worldly standards of being tolerant and loving toward another, and it definitely stirred up some additional anger and hatred.
However,do you remember the situation in 1 Kings 18? Is it possible that the prophets of Baal got angry when Elijah mocked their false god's? Were these prophets told, "you are free to practice your beliefs"? No, it was much more serious than that.
If we are to be holy as Christ is holy (1 Peter 1), would we not be compelled to remove from our midst any idols as well as all forms of evil including a book that teaches a different message than the gospel of the living God? (Galatians 1:8-9)
Is it off base to think that this book burning thing is similar to the biblical account of
tearing down of asherah poles and destroying the alters of false god's?
The Christian Bible has been and is being burned by those who hate Christianity, and strangely enough Christians do not attack them and lop off their heads for doing so, therein lies the true tolerance and love for others.
The Muslim faith, according to their own holy book, is not a religion of peace, as many would like us to believe, but a religious system of evil and violence.
Listen to this story… In Florida, a convicted pedophile had written a 170 page manual that included detailed information on how to molest children as well as instructions on how and where to find them. What do you think we should do with this book?
If you knew very soon God would wipe off the face of the earth anyone who was in possession of any thing that He has forbidden, would you say "but God, I just didn't want offend anyone" or would you destroy these things so you nor anyone else would be drawn away to sin and perish?
Today it seems there is a much lower view of God, we act as though He will not punish sin at all.
I must agree as well that there is much confusion and misunderstanding as to the unchangeable truths of God's word among professing Christians, mixed signals run rampant, it seems everyone has a different interpretation of scripture and what is true, some due to the desire to fill pews and buildings, some for financial gain or power, but mostly because we haven't slaughtered and removed from our lives the biggest thing that is leading us down that path to destruction. Pride.

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