The Bible says that you can know you will have eternal life. (1 John 5:13)
Maybe you've never really understood the exceeding sinfulness of your sin. It's not simply that you've not been good to others, but that you have offended the One who gave up His life for you, the One who died so you could go to Heaven.
Maybe you've never actually repented of your sins by saying to God, 'I'm so sorry I have offended You; please forgive me' then you turned away from your sin.
Maybe you've never turned away from your sins but continued your same old ways, a life displeasing to God.
Maybe you've never put your faith in Jesus Christ to save you as the Bible states. You cannot be good enough on your own, no amount of good works can earn you any favor with God, He cannot be bribed by good works. Apart from Christ you are without hope.
Maybe you've never really understood about Hell and condemnation; that you are storing up wrath for yourself on the Day of Wrath.
Has the good news that Jesus died for you while you were yet a sinner ever crushed you?
Have you ever genuinely called out to God in repentance and faith and He saved you and you know it without a doubt because your see the changes in your life outwardly that God has started in you inwardly.
When you see these changes come, then you will know God is transforming your life, your old ways will fade away, the things you once loved that offended God will become detestable to you. It will become clearly visible to those around you that you are different than before, not just older and wiser but changed by the Holy Spirit of God that now dwells inside of you. You cannot hide the change that God has made in you.
You cannot pretend to be changed, your outward deeds will eventually expose the lie you so desperately try to conceal. Your true state will become evident to all who truly love the Lord, and on the last day when Christ returns to call His church home, on the day of judgement you will be found lacking and will have no part in God's kingdom. O what a day of overwhelming sorrow that will be.
Has your eternity with Christ been secured, or are the pleasures of this world what you are living for?
Do you KNOW that you are saved from the wrath to come?
Is your new lifestyle evidence of a changed heart or are you pretty much the same as before?
Do you want to be assured that you have a new life in Christ, a place prepared for you in Heaven?
For a thorough and honest examination of your eternal condition visit
If you are not sure you are saved, send an email to and someone will be glad to help you, someone who cares about you and your eternal destiny. Your communication will remain confidential.
Struggling with pornography?
Please don't let this sin drag your soul to Hell. Wise council is just an email away,
Please do not wait, secure your eternity.
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