The answer to all of our problems including government problems is not out of reach, it has been available all along, but our unwillingness to fully submit keeps us from experiencing it.
The vast majority of people we encounter have an opinion on just about everything and most of them are convinced that their opinion is accurate, however, their is only one place where the answer to all of our questions can be found and only one answer that can make a lasting difference.
The answer is THE GOSPEL.
The GOSPEL changes hearts and changed hearts change our thinking; changed thinking changes our desires; changed desires changes or behavior; changed behaviors change our lives; and changed lives change an entire nation.
The GOSPEL is the only thing that can create the change that will make a difference.
Whenever you realize that you don't have the answers and you are willing to forsake your own agenda and submit your life to the one and only true God, then and only then will you see a change that matters.
Read the book of John in the Bible, don't reject the truth.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of this world will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.
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