There is no Barna survey that I'm aware of that can or has determined, with any sort of accuracy, the percentage of Christians in the world. You can, however, find statistics of this nature to prove any point you desire to make. Statistics regarding the condition of the heart are only as good as what is spoken through the mouth.
The only One capable of an accurate knowledge of every human heart is
the One who not only created it but directs it as well. Though we cannot know the condition of every human heart, we can see some evidence of its condition revealed over time.
You can say you were raised in a Christian home, but that doesn't make you a Christian any more than living in a garage makes you a car.
You can have a exemplary knowledge of the scriptures, having been trained extensively in ecclesiology, orthodoxy, and Christology, and still remain separated from Christ Himself.
One cannot be merely convinced intellectually to become a Christian apart from the heart being transformed by God. You can try as hard as you want but until God convinces you of your utter depravity and inability to do anything good, you will continue to strive for Him in vain.
I recently heard a young lady tell her story, she claimed she believed and trusted the Lord and His word for years and years only to fall away in disbelief. This is no surprise to God, He knows those who are His, but we only see their true condition as it is revealed to us in the passing of time.
Scripture is quite clear that those who fall away were never a part of the redeemed though they may have claimed to be (1 John 2:19). This type of person may know the scriptures, however, the scriptures know them better.
A friend of mine once said "I consider myself a Christian." Consider? In the Bible, many of the religious leaders considered themselves to be righteous, but Jesus said they were hypocrites and called them sons of Hell. (Matthew 23)
Ask yourself, 'Am I a good person?'
If your answer is 'yes' or 'I consider myself to be a good person', then you may want to examine yourself according to the scriptures. The book of 1st John may awaken you to the truth about yourself.
Until God replaces your hard heart with a heart that desires to please Him above everything else, you will be lost forever.
Agree with God today that you are not good, that you have done nothing but sin against Him, repent and turn from your sin, place you faith in Him and put your trust Him alone to save you.
When He is the One who changes your heart [not you] the things you once desired will fade away and the things He desires of you will take over.
Some of the most evident things you will notice in a life being transformed into the image of Christ are these: A great desire to read His Word daily, a love for other believers, a compassion for the lost, a desire to worship Him and serve Him together with other believers in a church that elevates the truth of scripture.
2 Corinthians 5:17 NASB
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.
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