The title of this future book was very interesting, and knowing a bit about the beliefs of the author made it one that I just had to talk about even though it has yet to be released. 'Killing Jesus' by Bill O'Riley.
Before I begin, I realize that I will likely be blasted for commenting on, or judging a book that hasn't even been published yet, much less read, and I get it, it's not very wise to do so, but sometimes what you do know speaks volumes about what is coming down the pike. I'm sure you would agree that you don't have drink the whole ocean to know that it's salty, right? So let's begin...
Anyone who writes on the subject of scripture does a great disservice to those who read it, if it fails to be accurate in its presentation, not to mention the disservice done to God.
A book about Jesus definitely sparked my interest because too many folks today are sucked in to believing nonsense written by those who are deceived in their own thinking about what scripture really says or means. As well, too few believe that scripture actually means today what it meant when it was written. God's word doesn't change with the times.
I'll be honest, the intentional contortion of scripture today gets up my nose somewhat. Standing up and defending the truth of scripture without excuse is becoming rare and even dangerous. Scriptural oragami is becoming the norm because the truth offends many, but scripture says, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." (Proverbs 9:10)
The content of Bill O'Riley's soon to be written book 'Killing Jesus' will likely be a disaster. Bill is a very smart man in some arenas, however, in the arena of sound biblical truth, he is greatly lacking. Bill apparently does not believe in the biblical account of creation, the global flood, the account of Jonah, or even that Jesus was God in the flesh.
Bill does claim to be a Christian but his religious affiliation is actually Roman Catholic; a doctrine itself that departs from the truths found in scripture.
It is no stretch to say that Mr. O'Riley's book will no doubt be written according to his own understanding that many of the miraculous events recorded in the scriptures are silly and ridiculous.
In his new book, who will decide what is true or false in the scriptures? Bill will. Who will likely state as fact his own understanding about the death of Christ? Bill will. Does Bill know that the death of God's only Son was prearranged by God himself before the foundation of the world? Doubtful.
After hearing several of Bill's interviews with others regarding religion, he seems to have no intention of learning the truths that are contained in the Bible. He does however make numerous attempts to discredit and ridicule those who trust the literal word of God and also the Word itself, while injecting his (to say the least) unorthodox views.
His understanding of scripture is flawed at best, therefore, an accurate account of Jesus death in his new book is highly unlikely.
Bill says that in his book he and his coauthor will attempt to cut through all of the contradictions found in the gospels. Seriously! Bill will clear up 2,000 years of supposed discrepancies that many faithful men of God and biblical scholars could not understand? It seems this man thinks that his biblical wisdom surpasses that of those who have devoted their lives to studying scripture.
And the final reason I think Bill O'Riley's new book will be a stinker is this....In one of his recent shows he clearly stated that those who believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible are judgmental and dangerous and even compared them to Jihadists. In case you didn't notice the irony, yes, he judged these people.
Bill may have a fairly good understanding regarding the political climate of today, but he has a very weak understanding when it pertains to the Word of God.
The tragedy of all this is not that Bill O'Riley is no theologian or even that he lacks a true biblical understanding, because I'm convinced many of our day are biblically challenged when it comes to the truth of scripture. The real tragedy is this...his book may very well be a best seller and its contents trusted above the Bible itself.
Folks, don't just read the Bible, study it, learn it, and know what the inspired writers were communicating to us so we won't be duped by the foolishness of men.
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