
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Understanding The Gospel

How is it that individuals today fail to understand the true gospel of Christ.

Some who are even seen as intellectuals can't seem to grasp the fact that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone.

If scripture is understood rightly, how can it be that so many people believe so many different things especially when it comes to salvation and sanctification?
It would be better if the gospel were rejected altogether than to believe falsely.

After hearing the experiences of several individuals as to their understanding of the gospel of Christ unto salvation, an all to common theme exists (understanding scripture) which is manifest in several ways.

Some say that if God loves everyone He would never send anyone to Hell.
Some believe if they try to be good or if they do good things God will allow them to go to Heaven and only bad people like rapists and murderers will be sent to Hell. Others don't even believe in a literal Hell.

Some say they were born in a Christian home, therefore they themselves are Christians. If I was born in a garage would that make me a car?
Some say they were baptized therefore they are Christians.

Numerous people do not even believe in the existence of God despite the overwhelming evidence all around them.

With all these differing beliefs it's no wonder that there is so much confusion, with so many opposing views the truth gets lost.

Since the Jesus movement in the 1970's there seemed to be a shift in the gospel presentation that told people all they must do was believe that God existed or repeat a prayer, a sort of easy believism that only required an affirming acknowledgment that Jesus Christ was real and then He will forgive your sin. This shift led to a misunderstanding that those who followed this simplistic belief and acknowledgment could continue somewhat in their current lifestyle of sin without the fear of being damned to everlasting punishment in a lake of fire.

A great number came away from this experience believing that God would continue to overlook their sins no matter how great or small by a simple apology, and they no longer had to deal with the consequences. However, they became a people who created in their own minds a god that they felt comfortable with. No more did they have to fear the wrath of a just and holy God, they had their ticket to Heaven.

More and more the true gospel was watered down and made pleasant for all, the truth continued to be set aside in the name of love, tolerance and acceptance; even today greater than ever there are myriads of false converts are being created who have no distinct desire to follow Christ in their daily lives. Not only are they false converts but staunch in their beliefs of error, certain that their creation of god will forgive their wicked lifestyle.

There is only one gospel and only one Christ and Redeemer of our souls.
Ask anyone today to explain the gospel or who God is and you will get thousands upon thousands of different opinions, even from some who claim to be orthodox.

In our efforts to reach as many people as we could possibly reach we have fashioned messages that appealed to the different wants and needs of others which ended up bringing forth results ranging from selfish unbelievers to ignorant lost souls.

A very prominent pastor even said this; "If God punishes people in Hell then that is not a God I'm interested in trusting." This teaching is basically tearing apart the true gospel that many godly men gave up their lives to proclaim.

Entire denominations have been built on the desires and the will of man with just enough truth to deceive it's hearers, teaching that our works somehow gain favor with God unto salvation.

The gospel message of Christ can and will save the souls of men and women if proclaimed and responded to rightly.

The soft, pleasing, comfortable, synthetic and counterfeit gospel will not save and will not change the hearts of this lost and dying world.

As we are commanded to proclaim the gospel of Christ; be keenly aware that the words we use have the ability to lead others astray from the truth, to destroy the hearts of those who are hungry for truth and even crush the souls of the weak.

Only the true gospel can save the soul.
Until one acknowledges and confesses that they are a sinner, repents (turns from their lifestyle if sin), calls out to God for forgiveness, and puts their faith and trust in the work of Christ alone to save them from their sin and the wrath to come they cannot be accepted by God.

We can't accept Him, He accepts us.

Be diligent in your study of the scriptures, meditate on the word of God day and night, be found trustworthy, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

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